"Lady Shakespeare" in.. Provence

"Lady Shakespeare"
finally on stage in French, after the Duch, the Italian and the German Version in august at Valreas

Anca Visdei in a bookshop of Helsinki the 1st of Sept. 2010 at 6 pm

Anca Visdei will be the guest of the International Bookshop Arkadia, Oy Pohjoinen Hesperiankatu 900260 Helsinki / Finland. She will prensent a reading of "Lady Shakespeare" and she will meet with te readers then.


A victory for the author's rights
In a case opposing
Anca Visdei and the « Compagnie Ephemeride »
jointly with the «  théâtre du Lierre »

The Judge President of the Paris Court «  Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris » has stated by ordinance dated December 13th 2006 that the title «  Dona Juana » is a genuine one.

It has been given by Anca Visdei to one of her genuine plays,
edited by the Avant Scène in 1986 and created in 1994.

Thus to use the titles Dona Juana or Don(a) Juan(a)
for any other performance after is violating
Anca Vidsdei’s rights on her original works