The Book :


Cast :

4: 1 man, 1 woman and 2 children,
a boy and a girl

The Plot :

A charming grandmother takes her dog for a walk in the garden in which a grandfather is playing with his granddaughter. Something totally unexpected transforms these scenes from the banal to the grotesque.

« “Les Jaloux really thrilled me. You have a wonderful gift for dialogue and humour … and mischief….. Good luck! You are gifted and we have not seen the last of Les Jaloux, I am sure..

Jean Anouilh

Versions :

Short version, title : Vinegar, pepper and honey.

Dramatic Productions :

- created at " théâtre de Plaisance", paris, directed by Gérard Caillaud with among others Blanchette Brunoy and André Reybaz

- Broadcast on RSR,
directed by Daniel Filion

Reviews :

- « Incisive, original, powerful narrative, concise, a real sense of dialogue, an assurance,
an unmistakable rhythm: we have here a real playwright. »
Jacques Nerson

-« The innocence of a twisted tale… the unusual warms us to a new style…»
Matthieu Galley - L’Express

-« Take note of the name, Anca Visdei …….. insolent, lucid, bold, funny, she has all the qualities of the great writer. The dialogue of the play is superbly sculpted. »
Pierre Gripari

-« …very element in the initial theme is fully developed and the author is not afraid to thoroughly exploit each one to the full. The laughter becomes sick and the humour black... »
Catherine Vhimpen - Elle

-« original facets: sarcasm mixed with violence but also unconcern and liveliness… »
Le Figaro

-« … psychological comedy moving in turn from the cruel to the tender to the amusing. »
Le Parisien